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Our Baby Fund!!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6


That scripture is one that Laird and I hold close to our heart, we know that with our Faith in God He will provide us with a path. Most of you who know us are aware that we are recently married and are wanting to expand our family beyond dogs. We have prayed and have had many conversation about this journey and feel that the Lord has put in our hearts to be parents. We are fortunate enough to have a wonderful support system within our family and friends and because of that we come to you. We are asking that you help us in praying for our process in becoming parents and if you find that you are able to contribute to our "Baby Fund" we would be more than appreciative of that as well. We are so blessed to have you in our lives and look forward to sharing our journey with you. We love you all and God Bless!!


Love Always!

Laird and Audra Schrock



Laird and I met in Sierra Vista, AZ as High School students in 1998. Although it may have taken us 14 years to realize that we were meant to be together. We are now happily married and enjoying our life in Tooele, Utah wtih our furr child Bella. We are blessed to share our story and journey with YOU!!








We would love to hear from you, Please do not hesitate to contact us!


Love Always,

Laird and Audra


Thank you for emailing us. We will reply to you shortly!



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